
Miss Butterfly

Aus dem Album SUN TRAIL

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You are strangely titillating

the eyelids of my soul.

You are always recalibrating

my imagination's buttonhole.

You are the living paragon

of a freely spinning electron.



Miss Butterfly is beautiful. Miss Butterfly is great.

Miss Butterfly is dancing, slowly dancing from mate to mate.

Miss Butterfly is eating and she’s a gourmet quite discreet.

Miss Butterfly is sipping pollen, that's a real treat.

Miss Butterfly is sleeping in a house made of dawn.

She is a marvellous tiny rainbow always reeling on and on.

Miss Butterfly is a gentle virgin dreaming of an affair.

She’s pollinating flowers and powdering the air.




Miss Butterfly is a twinkling blossom looking for a twig.

She is a freelance spin artist always ready for a gig.

Miss Butterfly is a twinkling blossom looking for a twig.

She is a freelance spin artist always ready for a gig.

Miss Butterfly is groovy.

Miss Butterfly is great.

She is the star in her own movie,

a reeling blade (made) of thin jade.



Miss Butterfly is a maverick who doesn't pay no taxes.

She is Ulysses the sailor in the seas of the galaxies.

Nobody can hold her, she slips away like an eel.

The gawk who tries to catch her, she makes him fall and squeal.

Nobody can have her, she belongs but to herself.

She is a jaywalking tippler, a jubilant little elf.

She is a hypnotist who keeps pulling you by a hidden silken string.

She’s an innocent floating fluff, yet she also knows how to sting.



Miss Butterfly drives you crazy. Miss Butterfly makes you mad.

She makes you feel so happy. She makes you feel quite sad.

She tickles you, she tricks you and she makes you run after

her. And if you’ll knock your teeth out, she’ll burst into laughter.

She is sweeter than golden honey. You are wax in her hands.

You are full of desire, quite confused by her sarabands.

And you are itching and twitching as if tormented by ants.

You are burning with fever turned on by her eerie slants.



Miss Butterfly is stupendous. She is an incredible magician.

She is colder than ice. She is sharper than a mathematician.

She adds you, she subtracts you and she multiplies you by ten.

She divides you and she squares you and then she nullifies you again.

She gets hold of your imagination and she celebrates her voodoo.

You don't understand what's happening and she’ll give you no clue.

She will encode you and decode you in a pitiless speed

until you feel as bad as a forked out garden weed.



Miss Butterfly is a dangerous witch. She keeps fooling you blind.

She is insidious. She is cruel. She keeps eating up your mind.

She squeezes you like an orange, then she’ll discard the rind.

She is the creative kind of a butcher. You're the meat she is out to grind.

The more you are in love with her and the more you disclose,

the more she will trick you once again to metamorphose,

until you don't know anymore, whether you're dead or alive.

She will keep you always panting in a passionate overdrive.





lyrics, composition and voice: Gottlieb Guntern, Brig Valais Switzerland


first arrangement: Pandit Ulhas Bapat, santoor virtuoso, Mumbai, India

swaralin &12string guitar: Jaynthi Gosher, Mumbai, India

solo voice: Jyotsna Hardikar, Mumbai, India

chorus: Ketaki Bapat, Kirti Pai, Vaijayan Limaya, Meena Patki, Mumbai, India

tabla: Sanjay Vyas & Pandit Ramakant Mhapsekar, Mumbai, India

bass guitar: Sameer Roy, Mumbai, India

vibrophone: Farooque Ajmeri, Mumbai, India

percussion: Deepak Borkar, & Pratap Rath, Mumbai, India


final arrangement: Dominique Borriello, Studio Newtone, Brig, Valais, Switzerland

electric guitars: Stefan Margelisch, Brigerbad, Valais, Switzerland

keyboards: Stefan Bregy, Bern, Switzerland


Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 5
  • #1

    Ursula (Samstag, 16 Juni 2018 12:13)

    Love it love it !! Dein Wortspiel ist genial lieber Gottlieb.

  • #2

    Andreas (79-82) (Sonntag, 17 Juni 2018 11:12)

    Gut, Dich nach all den Jahren so geerdet-träumerisch zu hören;
    immer noch im Zeitalter des Schmetterlings! Werde mich melden.

  • #3

    gottlieb Guntern (Sonntag, 17 Juni 2018 15:08)

    Andreas, ich freue mich drauf. Herzlich, Gottlieb

  • #4

    imboden roger (Mittwoch, 20 Juni 2018 20:54)

    sehr schön, heimelig.....
    Gruss Roger

  • #5

    bittel maria (Sonntag, 24 Juni 2018 18:52)

    deine miss Butterfly ist ein Genuss danke !